Brick Breaker -- with phasing mechanic

Let me know what you think. How many sparks are you getting up to? It is a work in progress and sparks will buy powerups later. :slight_smile:

Updated with spark collection and lose condition sounds and score indicator on win and lose.
Added music to more levels
Rearranged some levels a bit


That was fun. Only made it to 13 :joy:

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Well done, looks and sounds good and I like the automatic increase in ball speed. One small issue is if you lose a life while a spark is dropping there’s nothing stopping the player from not launching the ball from their paddle and easily scooping up those sparks. My score was 61 and about 10-15 of those points was from that trick. Might want to check for any active sparks and have them disabled when a life is lost.

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Thanks for checking it out folks! @David_Gibbs …yea I noticed that too and wasn’t sure if I should leave it that way or not. I figured it was hard enough to make it to the end as it was so I left it in as an “unintended feature”…haha. I think I will account for it and see which was feels better in play testing. Did you guys get to or warp to the phasing level? IE: you have to change the ball color to match the ‘phased’ bricks? I am curious if that is a fun mechanic for folks.

I have added a score indicator on lose and win screens. Curious what folks can get to before I add in purchasing powerups between levels. :slight_smile:

Pretty cool. I like the idea of having those bricks protecting the edges on the first two levels. This way the player can get used to the flow of game. Nice visuals too.
I think an extra stage between the second and the third would be nice.
It’s quite a gap. I can pass the second one without losing a life easily but the third is much harder.
My score was 343 btw, and took me sometime to find out how to kill the boss bricks haha.

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Thanks so much for playing and the feedback. I agree the level progression needs to be tweaked quite a bit. I think I want to introduce some “easy” brick phasing levels at level 3 and not have some of the harder levels until 5 or 6. I want to use the brick phasing more on some challenging levels as well.

I really need to get the powerup mechanic built in as it will help with level difficulty a bit–I hope :).

Thanks again for playing and the feedback. 343 is pretty good score and around what i usually get in play testing. I am trying to gauge the price of powerups between levels.

Good job! Feels like a game (instead of a project by a fellow student). That’s a big step. Congrats

(not sure if I am responding to the latest version as I have played another one as well, but my comment applies to both)

I love your version.

Anyway I got 126 as my Final Spark score

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