Gambucket Issues?

I’m having issues with Gamebucket timing out. This has been going on all week. Just checking to see if anyone else is having trouble, and if so (or if it’s just me), aside from dropbox which won’t let me play WebGL from dropbox public link are there any other sites (free preferably) that will fit the bill for replacing Gamebucket?

From Gamebucket: “Game Bucket
Currently we are re-evaluating Game Bucket as a project with the aim of producing a more robust and widely relevant game evaluation tool. So at this time we are not collecting Game Bucket data from users. Please sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on our progress.”

I remember seeing a mention from Ben on the Udemy website about Gamebucket being down and suggesting I’ve continued to use and not touched Gamebucket as I find it’s a good way to build up a little portfolio.

One bit of info I found researching my own issues is that Firefox seems to be the only browser (maybe Opera works, too) that you can play WebGL games directly from your drive. I will try, thank you very much!

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