Galactic Explorer

Game Starting Name: Galactic Explorer

The central theme for the game is as follows:

The player is a reporter for a Galactic Geographical magazine and has to report on planetary cultures.

  • The player navigates from one planet to another.
  • When the player lands on a planet they are presented with a different environment on each planet.
  • The indigenous life on the planet must not find out that the player is an alien.
  • The player takes notes about what they see and experience on the planet, so they can report it back to the magazine.
  • The player can record the coordinates of the planet so they revisit it later if they want.
  • The player will encounter different situations on the planet that they must figure out how to get out of.
  • The player will see different life forms on some of the planets.
  • Each planet can be in a different stage of technology. That way we can have environments that might be futuristic or medieval in appearance.

Do you think this is a little too ambitious right now?


Is this your first game?

This is my first game other than what I have done in the course so far.

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Awesome keep keeping it simple for now I say otherwise take it one step at a time

Love the idea! I thought a similar one, mine has 1 or more moons orbiting a planet making obstacle and harder to land. Keep it up I really want to play this game :slight_smile:

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