Fun with Physics

I had a few problems with this one as I tried to extrude the plane to make the ramp and also made some sides, I made sure that where the pins were, was level and that the plane was set to passive as well as the ball and pins being set as active however I also centred the origins of the pins and ball to volume and this what happened.

So I tried again this time with two planes which hadnt been extruded, which worked.

Just wondering what I was doing wrong for the animation not to work properly when the plane was extruded?


Unfortunately I can’t watch your videos, it says “no video found”, but I think I know what is happening :slight_smile: .

You’ll see that in details later in the course but the plane you set as passive has a default shape as a convex hull, so you may have extruded it in a way that changed the convex hull and gave you stranges interactions

In this image the object on the right is the convex hull of the plane on the left (In edit mode press Space bar and search convex hull).
So if I were to put a bowling ball on the plane (left), it would appear to be floating in the air. In fact it would be rolling along the convex hull (right) invisible to our eyes.

Again, later in the course Michael will teach you about these things, so don’t worry too much for now and keep blending !

I hope I was of any help, cheers !

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