Fun With Physics - Objects not rotating


I’ve been starting to learn Blender and working my way through the Blender Creator, and currently on 197: Fun with Pyshics. I was able to make the objects in the bowling alley file fall, however while the bowling ball rolls and seems to be working fine the pins remain upright. In the file I uploaded it shows the pins falling and bowling ball hitting them, they move but aren’t tipping over or rotating at all. I also attached the Blender file itself because I’m honestly stumped why they aren’t rotating since if I grab a new file I can give it physics and make it bounce and all sorts of things, but I can’t make the Bowling pins rotate. Any ideas what could be wrong?

Thanks for your help!
Max Pinkava

Bowling Alley.blend (1.5 MB)

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Try applying your transforms Michael can’t seem to say it enough…

if you don’t apply scale and rotation, things will not work correctly!

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Ahh, that seemed to do the trick. (Object - Apply - Rotation & Scale for those in the future who couldn’t find it.) Thanks!

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