Frog project

This project is a work in progress currently as of 03/26/24 still, but I’m at a point I’m really happy with and would love to share so far.

I asked a friend for a prompt, and they just said ‘frog’ so I’ve chosen a few concept art pieces to try and model of frog characters. The first two were drawn by Jerome Jacinto around 2017. I’m really happy with how they’ve come out so far, and I’ve sketched up an environment piece I plan to create and pose them in. I would still like to texture paint their armors and plant-clothing, but otherwise I think they are complete. I’m blocking out the environment scene and am super excited to share it soon.

Based on concept art done by Jerome Jacinto , please take a look at their incredible work.

I colored the two in the back with no outfits using geo-nodes for some fun. Discovered a golden dart frog and thought it would be a fun pair to the blue dart frog. I couldn’t find a real-life frog to compare to the yellow/white one that was made.
I look forward to any feedback or thoughts so far. Thank you for your time.


That leaf clothing is a cool idea! Are you thinking of adding those “herring bone pattern” veins to it as seen in the concept art?


Yes, texture painting the leaves and chest plate on the blue frog at minimum is my consideration currently so that I can match the patterns in the original concepts. Bit of a challenge to see how closely I could match the concepts I’ve picked.

Wish I was more creative myself, making characters is tough. I hope this character was used for some kind of project! If you check out Jerome’s page, they have a little more artwork of the blue frog. Just click the link in my post and then click the subtitle ‘character design’ on their artstation.

Wow. Yeah, doesn’t surprise me to see he did the stuff for Tooth and Tail

Hm. Well, you might find some inspiration here:

Doubts are meant to be disproven =)

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