Friendly Greetings

Hello, My name is Carlos
I’m new to the Game development scene. I have always had a passion for games but have yet to find my “drive” until recently I have only dreamed about making games. Finally started to walk forward.
A little about me
I was born in Cuba and had very little but there was always time for Super Mario at a friend house. That’s where I fell in love with games. After coming to the United States I played a game called NoX and it is to this day one of my most memorable games. I always wanted to learn how they worked and how they operated so I learned about computers. Build my first rig at 16 it was a mess but it worked and did what I wanted it to do which was play video games. After that, I was unable to follow my dream of developing games. I joined the military, I was given a chance to learn more about life. I was Honorably Discharged and moved to Miami where I furthered my knowledge of software. I received my AA in computer science and followed my dream in software development.
I currently live in Philadelphia and I have found a renowned passion for gaming. I will continue this passion until I achieve my goal.
I hope to meet some like-minded people who I could collaborate in the future and who knows maybe work together to create an amazing game.

Thank you for reading

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