French Keybord and mapping key

Hello Mister Monkey.
I’m French and am a little bit used to Unity so I’ve transform the A key in Q key in the script and modify the entry in project setting horizontal remplacing A by Q and…
It doesnt work…
If I put A in input KeyDown and let A in horizontal input, the camera works fine when I press… Q…
Lol , what is this sorcery ? :slight_smile:
I haven’t pressed CTRL ALT to put my french keyboard in English Keyboard…
Is it normal?
I precise if I let Q in the Horizontal input system and A in the script, by Pressing Q in my keyboard it react as if I press Q…
Cinemachin override keymap?


So you are using a AZERTY keyboard?
You should only need to change the KeyCode from Q to A and it should work. If you do Debug.Log(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)); does it not say true when pressing it?
I’m not entirely sure how Unity handles input but I would guess that’s the only change you need to do.
Cinemachine is only following the object, it’s not handling input at all, so the only thing is really those Input function calls.

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Bonjour François :fr:
Don’t change the original code. If you do that, your game only works with an AZERTY keyboard.
Just force Unity to use Physical Keys.


Salut Loran !
Effectivly I haven’t noticed this.
It explains this strange behavior :slight_smile:
Merci :wink:
I will follow the original code. I must admit i’m enjoy practicing side ways so… :slight_smile:
Have a nice day.

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