had a play for a couple of days. and ive updated WIKI page.
Normal Map Tool
for the normal maps, its a bit of a trial and error, it seemed to work pretty well for most things i threw at it, and for a free tool if you done have access to other image manipulation tools/filters etc it will more than suffice for prototyping and testing, and you can get all the AO / Spec / displacement and Normal maps from it.
when I was trying it, best to stick to a power of two texture to use. some things wont turn out correctly, but for the most part I got decent results.
Didnt try using the photo part of it, so ill leave that for someone else to try…
Texture Generator
looks like its still getting developed, but, ive used it a couple of times to get some cloud textures and used them of varying strengths to get a nice and quick water effects, and the B/W heightmaps are pretty useful to use for a quick procedural terrain for unity for prototyping.
all in all a handy couple of free tools to speed up testing iterations to see how things look…