Fox in a Box

Hey guys so taking what I learned from Blender so far in this course (sections 1 - 6). I went and made a short 3d animation of a fox coming out of a box. I also want to see how well I can achieve that 2d animation effect.

Hopefully the gif works, give it time to load.

Each frame only took 1 second to render, and there is a total of 450 frames @60fps using only blender render.



o3o This is great. Have you considered uploading to Sketchfab? :smiley:

Looks great! nice work! I wondered if it was 3D at first hahaha

I’ll be da**ed! Can’t wait to possess that power to animate and render things like that!)
Can’t see why you need that 2D effect, let them painters do their 2D! We are masters of 3D here, let them feel full power and beauty of 3D!:sunglasses:
Works just fine, although, are you sure it needs 60 fps? does 24 fps version looks much different? I would love to see the diference.

I love it, love it, love it!! Keep up the great work. :smile:

Oh, and in response to @Sam_Hamsord, I know quite a number of 3D artists who specialize in Toon and/or Anime, and I think it’s brilliant getting this kind of look from a 3D mesh.

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Thanks everyone for your comments!
@McFuzz : I plan on it soon once I finish the 7th section of the blender course :slight_smile:

@Sam_Hamsord: Ya there are many ways to achieve this kind of style like using adobe after effects or some other 2d tool for this kind of thing. But i was just curious to what Blender can achieve with toon/2d rendering. Unlike after effects though, I feel I have far more control with my 3d model when animating or achieving different camera viewpoints, which i think is beneficial maybe.

Also, this was kind of the inspiraton,

similar art style except it is in 2d or done in after effect 3d capabilities, keeping it at 60FPS gives it that very smooth movements, excellent to use if you are creating like icons or web graphics for UI applications imo.

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I know what 60 FPS gives, I just plan to render them real heavy animations and wonder is that smoothness is really worth of 250% rendering time.

Forgot to add, here are the settings I use for my materials, it’s super simple actually. As for what I rendered in, I use just the typical blender render. It is why I can render frames ridiculously fast.

For how I did the cardboard box, I simply just checked the “shadeless” option. It will completely turn your material completely flat colored.

And thanks to google image search, I stumbled upon this image. I followed this in order to achieve that toon shaded effect on my fox. You can play with these options to even achieve a gradient color as well.

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I guess it depends on what you plan on creating. 60fps works in some cases and sometimes not.

Movies use 24fps as a standard and games are preferred to be played at 60fps usually. Again it just really depends on what you plan on achieving for your project :smiley:

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I’ve had this tab up all day.

And I keep accidentally reading it as Fox in a Blender.


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