When I was trying to do the merges for the silo I found out that you have to add the cylinder while working on the dome in edit mode or in the edit mode in general (not sure if its the same). If you add the cylinder after or before adding the sphere then the vertices do not merge, I’m guessing its because both objects are separate. you cant have it say there’s a cylinder and a sphere in your scene collection.
Blender has many default objects, like a cube, sphere, etc.
Those objects contain a lot of data, color, scale, etc.
But also the mesh. Based on the vertices, which related to edges, which related to faces.
Creating the visible object. When working in mesh mode (object edit
), you can add more mesh objects.
Because it is just a bunch of vertices in the original object.
To merge (by distance) some of these vertices they need to be in the same (single) object.
All vertices belong to that object.
You can edit multiple objects, but working with vertices groups, they still belong to that object and can not be merged.
(Merging to one vertice from two or three, to which of those objects should it belong to?)