Fort Vanguard (Realm Rush)

Name: Fort Vanguard

Genre: Medieval Fantasy

The Kingdom is beset by war and though its Royal Army is the strongest in the Realms, it is slow to muster and to march. As Scout Captain of the Royal Army, it is your duty to venture into hostile territory, secure a base camp, and defend that camp until the main army’s arrival.

Survive either X Waves or for X Minutes.

-Expend Resources to construct Buildings, such as Towers/Walls/Traps.
-Receive additional Resources from: regular Royal Army shipments, scavenging dead enemies, Production Buildings (stretch goal), completing optional Bounties (stretch goal).
-Level reloads when Headquarters (main building) is destroyed by enemies.

Platform: PC/Mac/Linux
Aspect Ratio: 1920x1080 16:9
Input: Mouse

Additional Stretch Goal:
If I can, I would like to allow the player to create and control moveable units (warriors, priests, etc.)

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