Forest Restaurant


i thought i would build for the final part of the course a big Restaurant in the forest i had vague in my mind for some time. I plan to do this in parts, depending on my motivation.

Stage 1: Completing the exterior of the house. I would need to create a few good looking logs as the Building material. A balcony, some chairs and tables for the back side which is outside dining.

Also some decorations like flowers and a big sign (maybe even a skeleton head sculpture of a real or fantasy animal. This is optional)

Stage 2. Porting this to Unreal and making the landscaping there (Restaurant on a small cliff, below it a big sea with mountains in the background) Why Unreal Engine? The landscaping is much more robust and has an amazing render performance.

Stage 3 optional!: Modeling the interior. The living quarters and the restaurant. This would take a lot of time. I could not even count how many props this would need. Would need to prepare that a lot beforehand.

(I know the balcony looks extremely crooked. This was just sketched out)




Good reference and a good general block out to get your idea thought out. It is good to have a big project to build up. Work on over time adding more features.

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But what is your end goal? An animation?
Depending on the end use, you choose the tools.
Blender is certainly capable of generating fast renders and animation.
Unity is more interactive.

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End use is atleast to have something which is looking nice. Moving around in it is a bonus.

Unreal is making global lightning looking reallly good really fast. I have some lessons also into Unreal Engine. So i can try to combine the two.

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Blender too, but you need to switch on some options … which is part of learning Blender.

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