For Those Using 5.3.2

So I just tested this in 5.3.2 and it appears that the need to duplicate the folder no longer exists, BUT someone else may need to verify this to make sure.

Test: Make a new project using starting content - open minimal_default, move a chair, save, close editor. When opening the editor the chair should be in the location you moved it too and not reset.

Moved this from Blender_talk to Unreal_talk.

I tried the same in 5.3.2 just now (latest version downloaded about an hour ago) and changes to the blueprints behind the Minimal_Default level are also preserved.

Seems that Unreal has decided to roll back the change which necessitated duplicating files/folders

so in other words, what you guys are saying is, as of

feburary 18, 2024

we can continue the lessons without having to worry about anything going wrong? (unless its personal errors)

Yeah I edited the default version of the level and everything was fine :slight_smile:

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