For loop isn´t working

I tried to follow this lecture step by step in 5.1 but the for loop gives me no feedback.

Hi and welcome to the community.

Can you provide more details as to what you’re doing and what is missing.

Have you added a UE Log message inside the loop?

Have you checked your code against the end of lecture?

Share the code (paste in, not a screenshot please) and I may be able to help.

On reviewing the code for the lecture, it is possible you have no sessions available but again you can confirm by adding in some logging

1- I´m trying to find a session using the method displayed on the lecture (Launch the game and host a session, then start it on the editor and get the log with the session name);
2- I did try to add a UE Log inside the loop and it didn´t appear when starting the game in the editor;
3- Yes, i even tried to copy and paste the code that´s in GitHub but the outcome was the same;
4- Do you want the code that was added in this lecture or the entirety of the GameInstance.CPP?

Nevermind discovered the problem.
SessionInterface->CreateSession was at the top and not at the end of CreateSession(). My bad

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