Food for thought on refactoring

Pluses and minuses of course, this approach means less duplication and is mentioned by Ben

FVector playerViewPointLocation;
FRotator playerViewPointRotation;
    OUT playerViewPointLocation,
    OUT playerViewPointRotation

FVector directionVector = playerViewPointRotation.Vector() * reach;
FVector lineTraceEnd = playerViewPointLocation + directionVector;
return LineBeginningAndEnd(playerViewPointLocation, lineTraceEnd);


typedef std::pair<FVector, FVector> LineBeginningAndEnd;

Also this approach of condition and assignment at the same time:

if (AActor* hitActor = hit.GetActor())
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("The struck actor is %s"), *(hitActor->GetName()));
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("No Actor struck"));
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