Follow camera position changes when in play mode

Hi guys I’m having a problem with the follow camera at the moment. I have my follow camera parent position set to zero and only modify the position of the main camera object, Once I’m happy with the position of the main camera I align with view and that’s it. But now as soon as i hit play the distance from the player increases, the values haven’t changed but the camera is much farther away from the player.

image 1 shows the cameras gizmo being where i want it to be, then in image 2 it shows the gizmo being much farther away.

The only other thing i can think of is the terrain being raised but i didn’t think that would cause the issue

Make sure that the Follow Camera GameObject is set at the player’s location (you’re not showing it’s inspector or the player’s inspector, so it’s hard to tell.

Once you get to Cinemachine, things should work quite a bit better.

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