Folder Structure


During the bowling project I stuggled a bit with having things in the same blend file and trying to use different scenes in the same file which didn’t really work very well. So this time I want to separate different composed scenes into different blend files and then just append items from the other files. This should also make it easier to fall back to earlier versions and to see the progress.

  1. Models - 1 model per .blend-file
  2. Reference
  3. Renders
  4. Scenes - Different iterations of the scene in different blend files
  5. Textures

I thought about putting textures in subfolders with the models like for example /Models/Bishop/bishop_diffuse.png, but for now I think keeping all textures in one place will make it easier to find them if I want to access them in other software.

I’ll add subfolders as I see fit if things get too messy down the line. For example separating textures for chess pieces into a Textures/Pieces/ subfolder.


Looking good! Organizing your work will definetly make your life much easier once the scene gets more complex

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