Folder Structure

I grouped everything under the folder called “Low Poly Chess Set”. I created one subfolder for “Pieces” (where all 6 of the pieces would go), one for “Textures”, and a third one for “Environment” — I reasoned that I could keep the board and whatever models would appear as the background of the scene, in that folder.

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One of my many failings. I just get going and then end up with folders all over the place! Do not be like that!

I always ass number in front i=of folder names. Like “15 Assets”.
That way you can arrange the order of the folders.
Because now it will be alphabetical on name (no control).
With number, you have control.
I put the most used maps op top.

Add “Render output”
Add “References”
Add “Documentation” (used less)

Yes – as I went along I realized that I needed a folder for reference images because I would be using a lot, and same for renders.

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