Flying Seal - Short Clip and Questions about the Parent Gameobject

Hello, everyone.

I’ve been shy uploading stuff throughout the course so far, but I am stepping out, (actually listening to Ben and Rick) and sharing my progress for the first time. (I will keep doing it from now on. :))

It is the flying seal version of Argon Assault, and I found the assets on

----------Question Below----------

Regarding the parent gameobject and destroying it, my question is:

After the “Spawned At Runtime” gameobject destorys itself after a set duration, the “Enemy Death FX” clones appear in the root directory again since the parent gameobject has already gone. What other ways are there to prevent this?

And looking forward to fixing the “speeding up” issue when the game starts soon.

Thank you everyone, and let’s keep it up together!

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