Flying insect theme

Player is a bumblebee experimented on in a lab, where they tried to splice her with blue/green algae to make her completely solar powered. Discarded as a failed experiment, she awakens in the waste disposal system and must navigate her way out by avoiding the perils and reaching the brightly lit areas where she can refuel.

Possible mod to the original mechanic would be that hitting normal walls doesn’t result in failure/death but uses up energy more quickly. Could add small/temporarily lit areas where the player can regain a little energy.

Imagining a dark and mechanical/industrial setting with rays/beams lighting up points A and B.

Thinking maybe Photofly as a name.

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nice twist of navigating engine. have fun creating it :slight_smile:

Cheers :slight_smile: tbh it’s influenced by a free game on steam called “the plan”, I haven’t played it yet but you’re a fly…

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