Fly through too big

Hello everyone. Tried to upload my fly through, but the file is 65MB for about 20 seconds…way bigger than the file for rocket booster of similar length. Im using OBS. Any suggestions on how to make the files smaller?

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The forum will only allow 10mb, YouTube would be the way to go. If you then paste your video’s URL into the forum, it will embed your video within your post! :slight_smile:

Any idea why the file is so much bigger than the video file of the same length that was created for Booster?

Sorry, video encoding/compression isn’t really my subject of strength. Sounds/music perhaps?

Following on Robs comment: "The forum will only allow 10mb, YouTube would be the way to go. If you then paste your video’s URL into the forum, it will embed your video within your post! ":slight_smile:

Might be worthwhile to include a small training section on posting in you tube - I have no idea how to do this at this time, and could probably figure it out…but like so many other things in life - it’s easy once you know how, but not necessarily so when you don’t know how.

Also can anyone else explain why the video clip using OBS is sooooooo much larger when recording 20 seconds of Argon assault than it is when recording 20 seconds of Booster.

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Might be worthwhile to include a small training section on posting in you tube - I have no idea how to do this at this time, and could probably figure it out…but like so many other things in life - it’s easy once you know how, but not necessarily so when you don’t know how.

This is something that potentially I could add a brief video to the existing Forum User Guide for YouTube, the only item of concern would be that obviously, the YouTube platform does tend to change periodically, and thus the how to video could become out of date.

I’ll mull this over and see what I can put together which perhaps wouldn’t require too much repetitive attention after it’s publication. Thanks for the idea - very useful :slight_smile:

Also can anyone else explain why the video clip using OBS is sooooooo much larger when recording 20 seconds of Argon assault than it is when recording 20 seconds of Booster.

I would guess at perhaps the inclusion of more audio?

Updated Sat Dec 09 2017 16:32

It occured to me that YouTube could/would/should provide their own How To for uploading videos, I have found their specific help page;

I will incorporate this into our information going forwards to provide additional help/support to students. Thanks again @Sorendark :slight_smile:

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