Floki's hairless head... or something like that!

Hi guys!

For my character, I inspired my sculpting on Floki’s head (my favorite character from the Vikings TV show). I’ve had a really hard time with the mouth and with proportions in general but I’m quite happy with the results anyway! Hopefully it looks more like Floki once I add his hair and beard after the particle system lectures :smile:

I hope you like it, and I’d be very happy to receive feedback and ideas for improvement!! I took quite a bit of screenshots along the way, happy to share them if anyone is interested.



Very good, recognisable.


Yes true, I recognized him. So the features are there!
I think the eyes need more work. There are some really good tutorials on the web to make eyes (even without textures, procedural).
Also, take some time to improve lighting.
So much to do. Go on!

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It’s Awesome… :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Very happy about that! I felt like the missing beard and crazy hair styles made it a bit hard to recognize but happy to see you can still recognize him :slight_smile:

Definitely! It’s taking away quite a bit of the creasing I did (especially on the forehead), will work on that after I’m done adding hairs :smile:

Very good point, I have actually updated the eyeball with the instructions from the course, it’s already looking a bit better. Do you think the part around the eyeball need some work as well or do you mean specifically the eyeballs?

Thanks for the feedback all!

Eyeball texturing. The solution in this course is very basic.

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