Flickering on Bottom of Black Squares

I set the origin of the objects to be the flat faces on the bottom using “Cursor to Selected” in Edit Mode and then “Set Origin to 3D Cusor” in object mode and I get flickering on the pieces that are on the black squares of the board, but not the white. Is there a way to fix that without moving the board slightly away from the pieces?

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That is ‘hashing’ indicating two planes are in the same space in the world and Blender can not decide which one to display as occupying it.

It is a helpful thing to be able to recognise to detect possible problems though.

In this case I suspect it is no problem as the chess pieces will be above the board and none of those effects will ever appear, or influence any render. It is the space of contact on the bottom of any object on any surface, like in the real world you never see it.

You are right in that one solution were it needed is to move the pieces up or down into the board a fractional amount, But really it is on no consequence in this case.


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