Flamethrower icon



Difficult to recognize…


Thanks for the feedback FedPete!
I was really proud of this one haha :sweat_smile: But constructive feedback is better than thinking things look good; when they don’t.


Yeah, I agree with @FedPete, I can tell it is some sort of gun, but I’m not sure what that thing form the bottom left corner is.


A flame (feeling, recognizing) should be part of it.
Part of my daily job is to use icons like these.
It’s a sort of language construct.
Like you are in a panel of weapons, so you need only a flame to identify.
In your case, a flame, throw, weapon, gun … Difficult to make that in a single icon.



@Yee it’s suppose to be the trigger and handle haha. I think my problem is I’m trying to add in too much detail to too small of an area.

@FedPete I was guessing you had professional experience with this type of stuff based on the feedback you’ve given me. Thinking of it like a language instead of a flashy symbol is a new idea for me! I would have designed this icon in a different way knowing that.

Maybe one day I’ll post a piece of art you both recognize easily haha :slight_smile:


I think FedPete is right, it is difficult to recognize exactly as a flamethrower and a small flame would defnitely solve the issue.

But that doesn’t mean that the item itself doesn’t look good. I mean seriously, how do I spot a flamethrower?
By the fire emitting from the muzzle :wink:

Well, this kind of weapon is a very complex form. A handgun is commonly known and easy to recognize, no matter if it shoots bullets, flares, powder or water.
But a flamethrower is is such complex form that often even differs a lot in it’s appearance, so I’d say:
You did a great job on it, a good shading, choice of colour and use of space.
It is easy to see it is a kind of gun and for sure something more unusual than a handgun or rifle.
So imho it’s great; and with a flame like FedPete suggested it is even distinguishable from a plasma thrower or other fancy not so common guns. :+1: :fire: :fire: :fire:


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