Fixing Camera Problems/ Canvas too BIG in scene view


I was having trouble with the canvas being much to large to fit in the camera view, and it seems that others here are too. For me the fix was to change the screen space setting - of the canvas - in the inspector to “screen space - camera” and assign the render camera to Main Camera.

(Probably obvious but it took me a while to find; hopefully this might save someone else some time).


@Ed_B This helped me fix the same issue i was having. Can anyone explain why this needs to be setup this way when the tutorial has it setup correct? is this a new functionality or something we missed? Thanks! @ben @Rick_Davidson

Great work on the course by the way guys!


Thank you!

That helped me a lot! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

This note was very helpful and thank you but it SHOULD BE UPDATED in the course! It was found in January.


Agreed. I’ve been stuck here for 4 hours now. this edit seemed to fix it.

Nice find, I was just about to spit my dummy out :).

I tried this same fix in Unity 2019.2.13f1 but it didn’t fix my issue, and i am stuck on how to fix it?
Is there something else stopping this from working in this version of Unity?

Hello! I think that maybe your problem is that you didn’t move the camera’s Z backwards to -10 as they said on the course.

Hi Ed_B, thanks for this write-up! I was stuck for a while trying to figure this out and your solution worked for me too!

Thank you so much, I was just so frustrated I restart 4 times and was about to give up.

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