Fixing camera jittering when going left/right in first person


after adding the first person cam and mesh to the third person character, I got some jittering when moving to left/right with the “A” and “D” keys. I don’t remember if that was said in the video, but I found a solution to it here in the accepted answer:

I had to change the “Use Controller Rotation” and “Orient Rotation to Movement” options in the CharacterMovement component and afterwards everything is smooth again.

I think that here is right place to post this. It really anoided me, but now great again.


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I believe i got this issue as well when i went though the course as it was being created and posted in the Q&A.
Its been a while but i think your fix may be different to the one that both I and Sam came up with.

It bugged me too!

Well, I am now in lecture 274 and Sam clears the issue here. Guess I was a little bit too fast, … but to be honest I really ran into a motivational problem couple of lectures before, because the lectures tend to be a little confuse. And since I only could observe the bug in my game and not in Sam’s, I thought only I did something wrong and tried to fix it on my own. However, if people also ran into the issue earlier than in lecture 274, they might be happy to find and answer here in this thread :smiley: (Maybe a small hint in this section’s video would be great)

Sorry i havent replied in nearly a week, Best bet is to pop a Q&A question in the lecture where it occurs and Dan can pass it along to Sam if they feel they can update the video or add an annotation to state it gets fixed in a couple of lectures (This may be done already as i am blender course student instructor just a student on unreal).

If you are lacking in motivation then take a look at the showcase section as theres loads in there to inspire.
I am no longer working in unreal due to real life constraints and building an RPG in unity but Shadow Stalkers in there was my project as i diversed from the course.
I only stopped really as i was going though it as the content was created and so a lot of the videos were redone to improve the learning for you guys :slight_smile: . This meant i stopped due to waiting for the content to start up and catch up to me again i just never got back to it.

Hope this helps and apologies for the long wait for a reply.

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