Fixed COD in code, but still getting error

LogUObjectBase: Warning: Error: CDO Constructor (Omeja_Journey_BASEGameMode): Failed to find /Game/Player/Behaviour/FirstPersonCharacter.FirstPersonCharacter_C

I’ve watched Sam’s solution on fixing this error. The whacky thing is, my code doesn’t have this file path. I have static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnClassFinder(TEXT("/Game/Player/Behaviour/FirstPersonCharacter"));

Truly at a loss here.

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I searched the entire solution for the text “FirstPersonCharacter_C” and it’s not in there.

Hi! I have the same problem and also I can’t set the parent in FirstPersonCharacter BP.
Have you found how to fix that?

Sorry, I never did fix it. I ended up totally giving up on Unreal, but I decided to learn Unity a few months ago and I’m having a much better time haha.

Nov 17? Wow. It’s Nov 18 now. Sorry for the late reply!

I think that’s just the name it gives for the C++ internally compiled version of the Blueprint. The code you mentioned is how the C++ code finds other non-C++ entities in the hierarchy (e.g. blueprints). I had the same issue but just changed the location of it in the TEXT string and that fixed the compilation/playing problems.

Unreal Engine certainly is harder in many ways than Unity, but I think it’s worth learning. I find it hard balancing time between the two, but there’s probably value in just picking one and sticking with it. Hope you are enjoying Unity!

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