As @ZachDude pointed out some errors in the bust, I went back and tried to fix some of them.
Also made progress with coloring.
Feedback is appreciated
Looks very nice.
I just feel she is a fraction cross eyed?
Lol. yeah… I think it’s the shadow falling awkwardly on one eye (coz it is completely mirrored)… Maybe orthographic snaps of humans is not a good idea
I like it a lot! Much progress and it’s such a hard subject I offer the following non-expert feedback because I love sculpting and anatomy and hope it is helpful:
About the eyes, the funny thing is people don’t have straight eyes as much as you’d think, so by making her slightly lazy eyed it will actually look more natural. I’d say just rotate them ever so slightly until it looks good to you
The clavicle is not quite right, it ends in a sort of ball near the sternum:
She’s missing the muscle on the side of the neck, it goes from behind the ear and connects down to the sternum (I think). It has a crazy name of sternocleidomastoid
Her head looks a little too far forward for comfort, as though she’s jutting it out.
Very nice bust, my last advice is work on it as much as you’d like, but don’t worry about perfection. Once it’s finished, you can take everything you’ve learned and apply it to the next project and it will get better that way
Oh I think she’s more than just a little cross-eyed. I just looked at my eyes close up in a mirror, and the Iris is centered in the middle of my eye socket. IOW, it’s centered where the upper eyelid is highest, and the lower eyelid is lowest.
@ZachDude Thank you for the detailed advice. Very very helpful. Will try to incorporate as much as I can in the next iteration, as I assume, the course is not done with the bust yet. Hair is still a thing, I assume… Will discover soon
And thanks everyone for pointing out the eyes error. Will definitely fix that first thing
Ah, seemingly there is no other thing left for advice, so please do accept my compliment.
You have molded a good looking sculpt, if it is your first attempt on sculpting.
And hairs, yes, that is another complex and detailed subject.
Thank you so much for the compliment.
Yes, first sculpt in blender, and certainly first sculpt from scratch. I did try my hand a little bit in zbrush but that was over a base model…