FirstPersonCameraComponent Transform Changes after adding to Scene


so I am working on this lecture, and I occured a problem. In the end, I simply copy and pasted the given code, but it does not behave as it should. In the blueprint editor everything looks fine, but after placing the actor into the scene, the FirstPersonCameraComponent floats around in the scene (see image).

As you can see, the the objects are far away from each other, but in the blueprint editor, everything looks fine.

If you look at transform in the details panel,


you can see, that the transform has been altered. After clicking on the symbol on the right, everything is okay again, but this does not look as intended.

Any idea on what I did wrong or what is wrong?

So … the issue went away. I have no idea why. I recompiled the code several times, closed/opened unreal, commented some parts of the code out and uncommented them … I have no idea why it works now. What I also did was to delete the line

meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true")

but adding it back also did not make the bug appear again. I have a theory, so before my “playing around” in the code, I could not see the location and rotation of the camera component in the blueprint editor. Since it appeared again, everything works fine. But em … yes, no idea what happened

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