First time VS user and having this warning every time I am opening any script


Hi guys, This is my very first time working with the Visual studio and everything is running fine and smooth up until the point when I create and open a new script.
As soon as I’m opening a new script in the VS editor, It is showing a popup warning and when I am opening the output window, The following stuff is visible. I don’t understand what this is so I have attached the screenshots of both windows. Any help would be really appreciated :smiley:



Please follow this instruction. Make sure to have Visual Studio selected as your External Script Editor in Unity.

If the issue persists, check if you have got an antivirus or firewall that are blocking Unity or VS.

What is e:\? An internal harddrive?

Hi, First of all, A Very Happy new year to you.

Secondary, thanks for helping out, I have followed the instructions to install it correctly and have just double-checked it.
I now need to check the firewall settings as I don’t use any third-party antivirus.

Yeah, E:\ is my internal Hard-Drive (to store projects)

Btw, I have found a weird fix for it, If I remove the last bracket ‘}’ and re-add it, the issue seems to fix itself, which is weird. I’ll keep updated regarding this.

Happy New Year! :tada:

In rare cases, there are internal problems in Unity. If removing and readding the last } fixed it for you, the script might not have been saved or processed correctly. That’s not because you did something wrong but because something might have gone wrong in VS and/or Unity.

Next time, go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools and click “Regenerate project files” (in Unity). That often helps.

If not, close VS and Unity, go to your project folder, delete the Library, the *.sln and *.csproj files. Then launch Unity again. This might take a few seconds/minutes because Unity recreates the Library folder. Then open your own scene.

Thanks a lot for the help, the later one fixed the issue!

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