First time (properly) texture painting

This is the first time that i have properly tried to texture paint on a model. Feedback appreciated.


can u smell what the ROCK is cooking…

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Nice, “the rock” cube :wink: Texture painting is a wonderful tool that allows you to add a lot of realism without complicating the geometry too much, and you’re off to a great start!


Nice work on the texture painting. Looks great. Random details on different sides. Great job.
Is the two islands on the bottom left corner bleeding into each other? I can’t zoom in that much.
If they are, you can increase the margin between the islands when unwrapping (0.1 is good,according to your scale though.) and increase the bleed in the Texture painting workspace(close to 15px will be cool) to prevent it in the future. Now you can just place the islands a little apart.
(I tried to upload screenshot to help you. But for some reason the site won’t let me upload. I will try a little later.)


I used 0.1 margin and 16 px for the bleed as per what Grant suggested. the bottom 2 islands don’t touch as far as i know

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OK. Cool! Have fun dude!

I am loving the course!! Great content from the group


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