First Solo Discussion

I’ll start off by saying my attempt wasn’t very far off from Ben’s.

Initially, I was stumped for around 5 minutes. I was trying to find a place to start but wasn’t sure where. I then jumped into Void OnUserInput(String input) as this is where we’d find the user typing their password. I then decided I need a global variable to be shared here that would change based on the level. This is where things started to differ from Ben.

I created a new function void GetPassword() which checked what level was selected and set the password.

A second function was created which was identical to the void CheckPassword(string input) and contained the means to respond to the current guess via the IF Statement if (input == password).

Overall, I thought that this challenge was a great way to really recall what I had practised prior to this challenge and nail down how to use it effectively.

Did anyone else have a similar result to Ben on their first attempt or did you come up with something completely different?

my way was much more complicated than his.
But it does what was the goal :wink:

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