First Section of the Blender Material Course Complete - Material Display

So I’ve seen these little ball like things for displaying materials so as I go through the course I am making a scene that displays all of the mats on a stand and on the ball.
Here is the first sections results. I mostly had issues doing the cloth but its okay I think.

Also bonus candle and suzanne cuz y not.

Progress is success :sunglasses:


Had to hit like, Suzanne earned it!


God idea, and well done.


Well done. Are these all procedural textures? Cloth is difficult. The texture looks good just a bit of aliasing or blocking on edges. So you may just need to increase samples in render or adjust the resolution of texture map generated or otherwise. Maybe a little more translucency on candle would be nice [from memory of last time I saw a lit candle]. If you are using subsurface scattering I don’t know how you would adjust that? Hope that helps?

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Very nice samples and good idea with Suzanne. I would increase the effect of the subsurface scattering in the wax, though, maybe a bit more transparency would even make it better, with a larger subsurface radius and a bit more sheen?

Do you have an external light source to the right? Maybe it is reducing the effect of the candle. Have you tried removing it and using only the candle? :grinning:

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