I was trying to make a Temple. I haven’t completed the model yet, but I’ll be working on this gradually as the course progress.
It’s because of your camera position (and lens).
That the image is interpreted as a big construct.
So the basics are there. Now you need to add items to make it more obvious to the viewer.
I hope to see more progress later on.
It’s a very intriguing project.
Have fun!
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll work on it more along with the course, then I’ll post it again once it’s done.
Interesting. Is it related to any particular era, style?
The design actually came from a hand sketch of mine. I was pitching it for some sort of a multi-cultural theme park gate. It got rejected though. So yeah, it’s actually related to a particular era and style. but this is just 5% of that sketch…
I’m a Sketch Up user, and i thought that it’s somewhat lacking of the tools in terms of creating the shapes that I use as per my design (hand sketch). So I was hoping i could use blender as part of my work flow.