First scene render-Camp

My scene which I created during the first Section.


This is phenomenal.


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Nice camping scene. You added lots of elements and lit it well.


Good work and attention to detail. I like how the mountains are faded in the background, pushing them further off in the distance. You also have some good lighting going on that help focus the scene.

Well done :+1:


Crazy detailed! O.O

Beautiful evening shot with nice lighting. Now I wanna go camping :smiley:


How do come up with all this idea to model all this assets
As for me I have only complete section: well, stair and rocket scenes
Will I be able to do any of this With the part I have learn so far

Cause I don’t know what to try With I have learn so far

Any help please

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You could take a photo-reference: but don’t worry too much, this aspect soon gets emphasized.

Hello @Habassium
Well I came up with this idea, because I saw somebody did it before me and I thought this would be nice challenge for the beginning (possible with just simple objects and scaleling).
Also like Zangk said, references are perfect to work with and the more Section you do, the more u lean and practice.

The internet is also very helpful to get inspiration, when you search for camping, then you get pictures of a tent, trees / forest, campfire, bush, four objects you can create. For the forest you just multiply the tree and bush and scale it a little bit different.
Then you can ask yourself, “what else can be in the forest?” and the answer for me was a log house, so I searched for a log house used a simple one as a reference. The roof was from the well challenge :wink: and then you repeat the question “what can I add / what would fit in my scene” until your done, or happy ^^ even when these states are not perfect definitions of done :eyes:

So just a reminder, everybody learns in a different way and speed and when you do the sections you are good to go and you will become better in blender, I promise ^^

But I have one advice, that helped me a bit: I try to challenge myselfe as I create different scenes or objects aside the GameDev-Challenges (even when it is just a lamp which looks different, or a table more in a scene).

What also works: for example, I also recreated my office where I’m working.
I took pictures of every single furniture and created it with the knowledge I gained from the sections so far.

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Thanks for sharing the tips bro

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Demonstrating that you worked hard.

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