First Rocket Level in the swamps

Ok, here is my first level. I used some assets from the asset store to spice it up a little. Controls are very clunky at the moment, I definetly have to fine tune that :smiley: Have fun coding, y’all!


The assets you used really are nice. Gives a great feel to the space. You have a bit of a maze going. I was curious if your concept for the pillar like structures are floating then or being levitated or something like that? I was thinking that it’s a cool idea. Later on in this build I know that we get a script that allows us to oscillate objects between two points. I was thinking that your build would really lend itself to that script as you could make the individual pillars move ever so slightly, fixed but like bobbing a bit. Just a thought for later on. I love the concept. :slight_smile:

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