First render - castle

This is my first render which ended up looking surprisingly much like a Lego castle. The choice of colours might not be the best but I experienced how the rendering seemed to make all the colours a bit brighter than they looked in the Viewport Shading: Rendered. Might this have something to do with my light setup?

Also, I have this issue with bright areas just below the tower roofs. At first I thought that I might have left the cones hovering above the bricks but they were properly snapped into position. I’ll be grateful to anyone who may tell me what causes this and how I can prevent it.

In any case, it was a really fun task. I love this course and look forward to learn more!


Very fine castle curtain wall it is, with a good gateway.
Welcome to this site.

Rendering has two ‘engines’ they work differently, and need differing set ups. I should push on through the course and there will be sections that explain it. Even then evee has quirks, like light bleed. To know what your specific issues were someone would need t see the effect, know what renderer you used etc.

To get a screenshot of viewports rather than a fully rendered out image there is an option via ‘window’ tab top left area, that drops down an option to ‘save screenshot.’

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Thank you!

I made a rendering in eevee as well as cycles and the shade “glitch” did not turn up on the cycles rendering (although the shades are over all paler on that one). This image is the eevee rendering with no changed settings. Here’s a screenshot:

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