First Publish of my Block Breaker game. Need Input

Here is the link

Clcik Here

Known Issues:

  1. only one Ball (life), working on a three ball game.
  2. Easy mode: doesn’t make the paddle larger.


  1. level 8, 9, 10 have the walls start becoming bricks, color to match the number of hits.

all feedback is good, so please don’t hold back.



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I think you may have an overlapping brick on level 1, I love the design, but the stages are a bit boring, sorry. Couldn’t get past stage two not because it was too hard, i tried easy and normal, but just because when there was a few blocks left i could be bothered bouncing around until i hit them, usually died before i got that far. The background and the paddles are great, love that you went and added the live and level complete screens.

I look forward to the final version.


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