First Pixel Art animation - Duckies

I duplicated every frame to make the animation slower and upscaled the gif with . I’m so happy with the result, so cute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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good job! pretty ambitious for a first project, and it doesn’t work perfect with the resolution, but along the way, you discovered a fundamental of animation that people used to use back when you had to hand-draw animations, and some people, like me and you, still use today! that’s called animating on twos, and if you want it even slower you can animate on threes, or even fours! this is the main way to make something look faster or slower in any animation. i animate on threes with a fast-ish framerate so i can easily speed up or slow down anything, but that’s just me. overall, happy to see people coming into the art of animation, it’s a whole lot of fun! man, i really put a lot into this one comment, huh…

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