Hi all,
If you started this section recently then you may find you have an issue that might not appear until you restart the editor. NOTE :- This only happens in version 4.13.1 not in the 4.12 versions
It happens to a clean project as they have changed the template to include VR content (Thank-you to Jacob Kemp and Joe Banes on facebook for telling me this!)
To get rid of the VR Motion controllers and the VRGun you will have to edit the firstpersoncharacter.cpp and .h files and remove them there.
I have tagged @ben on facebook as some may struggle to remove the content. It doesnt break the project but you do get an annoying pop up with 3 errors each time you restart the editor. It could become problematic later in the course.
EDIT :- If you want to remove it rather than reverting back to 4.12 then edit the header file of firstpersoncharacter first. Removing all instances relating to VR gun or Motion component. The cpp file will then highlight what you need to comment out (becareful of brackets!!!) and then compile in unreal to see if you missed anything.
Thanks again to Jacob and Joe on the facebook group