First pawn

pawn low poly.blend (575.3 KB) Think i may have got a base which is smooth and a top which is not! But can not appear to do anything about it. Other then start again, which i have managed to resist so far, may later wish i had.

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Post images not blend files please. (Unless having a big problem, when you may be asked to). Start with an image. On the whole people do not want to download a blender file, fire up blender to open it, etc. when it may be answered from a simple picture.


Select the sphere, press right mouse button.
The Object context menu will be shown, select Shade Smooth.

That’s all!

But because of your low poly (less vertices count). It best to turn it off.
Or keep shading smooth on. And a add a Subdivision modifier.
This modifier will make it even more smoother, but introduces other issues.
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