First Lighthouse

I’d like to share my first attempt at the lighthouse. I had a really good time making this scene and I had a lot of fun. I tweaked the house material to make it a little more metalic so the village lighting can be a bit more atmospheric.

Looking forward to learning more in further lessons! :slight_smile:


Hi, I’m having a really difficult time creating the top of the lighthouse, would you be able to explain how you achieved the cone shape on top?

Sure thing, I’ll try.

I selected the top face of my cylinder, then pressed “E” to extrude, then “S” to create the ring of the outer lip. I used the extrude tool again to give the edge some thickness in the Z direction.

After that, I selected the top face and pressed “I” to do an inset.After the inset, I extruded again to form what becomes the cone. Select the top face, press “S”, then 0 to size that face into a point and that should be the cone.

Hopefully it helped you out.


For some reason I needed to move my 3D cursor in order to manipulate the top face into the cone shape :confused: Thank you for your explanation!

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