Hello folks,
I’ve finally reached a point where I am completely stuck.
I was fairly advanced in the addition of the particle system when I suddenly realized projectiles had stopped launching.
To properly display what I mean, now the projectiles only pop up at cannon point and do not get launched to target, exactly like the first time we made the projectiles and had them pop up when firing.
I had set the collision and the launch blast. It was firing fine and I had made them properly display when rotating camera view. I had just added the OnHit code and I thought it was responsible. However I tried reverting it in many ways but it didn’t change a thing.
I first tried aligning my code to be as close to Ben’s as possible. Order of functions, making sure accessibility of members was the same.
I have check that the LaunchProjectile method and all the dependent methods were still in the code.
I then started removing impact blast from projectile_BP and deleting the new impact blast code, to no avail.
I also deleted the impact blast particle system from content browser. No success.
I am about to revert to an old commit and even if it works out I will probably never know what happened.
I must have done something I have forgotten. I only remember changing code in the Projectile header and cpp files and making the particle as shown in the course.
I have been checking the old video about making projectiles launch and all the code that worked then is still in here.
I have used a couple of logs but they didnt show anything strange.
If anyone has a clue about what’s going on, I am all ears.
I would be inclined to think that the problem to be related to projectile movement component but there is not much code about it. The component is created, set to not auto activate then we use the LaunchProjectile method to use native method setVelocityInLocalSpace to launch it.