Could some one please explain how the video is showing the BP_Character firing? In the lecture, we delete the Fire BP function and then we create:
void AMannequin::Fire()
No where in the C++ code is that method called… so how is this being called in the video? Also, in the lecture we deleted all the TP components. The behavior I am seeing is as follows:
BeginPlay, Gun is visible but unable to fire. AI Gun spawns with AM_FPFire Fire Animation and ABP_FP_C_1 Anim Instance.
The behavior I am seeing is 100% expected but for whatever reason the lecture video shows things working when I do not see how it could possibly be working. Can anyone explain this or is the video misleading and they are not running the same code that is in the lecture? Thank you.
EDIT: The gun spawns w/ FP animations, while the BP_Character spawns w/ ABP_TP, which seems correct.