Firing animation isn't being played (Solved)


I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. It was working before, but after I did the later lectures (kinematics, lfs etc), it stopped working. I thought that maybe the 2k bone was interfering so I removed it, but to no avail. My animinstance is not null and it’s calling the appropriate method and yet nothing is being played.

Nevermind my bad. I replaced FirstPerson_AnimBP.uasset with one from a later lecture and I found out I accidentally deleted 2018-05-22%2016_07_11-TestingGrounds%20-%20Unreal%20Editor in there while I was doing the 2k bone kinematics.

Just a word of warning, be extra careful when you’re deleting blueprint nodes. Things go wrong and it might be hard to trace back. Also use the source control history tool that Unreal provides.

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