Firepower 2k18

I have taken this course to make my diploma project on SAE Bochum.
It lead me into C++ and Unreal too, though i never touched it before.
I wanted to thank you very much.
In just 10 weeks i didn’t achieve everything i wanted to achieve since here, because here and there you have to rest, but i am approaching to revive an old game i really liked, i think.
Maybe somebody of you remembers the old days…

Nevertheless i am advancing, and though it is not finished yet, i want to show you my current sneak preview.
Feel free to see the rest there, but this wasn’t my interest now, i just hope, you enjoy, what battle tanks may lead to:
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I didn’t get out really well on how to construct an abstract Unreal class.
I would need a base class for my turret and tank implementation, which both implement a UInterface of different type and some special parts, like tracks for the tank and another socket for the turrets, as you might see.
And i didn’t achieve yet on how to do this, so my class hierarchy really runs a little bit mad here, which makes things uncomfortable and would need some refactoring as soon as possible !

Opponent tanks just weren’t ready to play in here, like many other stuff, too …

Looks pretty cool. Well done with what you have so far.
Doing a remake can be tricky imo, because you want to make improvements but not take away from the essence of what made an old game great. Seems you have things in check at the moment, so keep at it.

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Thank you !

As i have been here, and have shown you, something to tease !


I still have my slight Inheritance Problem.

I want to have a class MilitaryEntity, which is abstract, and having two childclasses VehicleEntity and TurretEntity, but don’t know, how to do this in C++ with Unreal…

It’s vital to my class hierarchy, cause i am now forced to seperate those classes and repeat way too much code, which does make it quite tricky to implement more features…
Time to refactor, but i don’t know how …

What is the issue? Are you getting any particular errors?

I don’t know how to build the abstract class MilitaryEntity

I haven’t really gone that far in the course to know if UE4 does inheritance a particular way, but in C++ it will work something like this:

// Parent class 
class MilitaryEntity {
        int PrimaryTurret;
        int PrimaryBarrelInterface;
        int SecondaryTurret;
        int SecondaryBarrelInterface;

// Child Class
class TurretEntity : public MilitaryEntity {
        int StaticMeshBarrel;
        int SecondaryStaticBarrel;

int main() {
    TurretEntity turret1;

    turret1.PrimaryTurret = 3;
    turret1.StaticMeshBarrel = 4;

    return 0;

Anything that is in the parent class that you want to have inherited by the child needs to be declared as either public or protected. When you declare the child class you don’t need to state anything that is already public to the parent.
Creating a child, such as turret1, allows you to assign values to all its data types, including the ones inherited from the parent.
Hopefully this helps a little. If not maybe one of the tutors can give you a few pointers.

This looks, how i wanted to do it ^^
But it’s not working this way with Unreal ! :wink:
I try it again, maybe i have done something wrong, but the first he stumbles upon is, using that interface as an actor component.
all in once, there will never ever be a MilitaryEntity - it’s an abstract class to share values and functionality.
Maybe i have to declare this as an interface to implement, too …

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