Fire Animation

Why did we use the function for animation instance for playing the montage when there was a simple play montage option available? i wanted to know the difference.

Hello Zamesyne,

I’m assuming you want to know the different between the “Play Anim Montage” and “Montage Play” nodes?

Montage Play works with any animation blueprint that may be associated with your skeletal mesh component. As actors can contain multiple skeletal mesh components, being able to target a specific animation blueprint comes in handy.

Play Anim Montage, on the other hand, is a wrapper function for the Character class that calls Montage Play only on the built-in skeletal mesh component called “mesh”. This is great if you use just the mesh provided by the character class but won’t help you if you have other skeletal meshes. For example, if we wanted to play a montage on the gun mesh we couldn’t use this function and would instead have to use Montage Play.

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