Finished Project Boost : Rockets and Unicorns

Hi There,

today I managed to finish the first big chapter of the Unity course.

Why Unicorns? Well, if you have daughters then probably your house is full of fluffy pink plush animals. And unicorns of course. :slight_smile:

The game has 8 levels and all the controls are described on the first one.

Hope you enjoy the game.


Love the rockecorns! Perhaps it could have a face?

Was the pivot point on the rocket a design choice? It feels very low, I’d prefer to have it rotate around the centre rather than from the bottom. Also, I think it was level 4 or 5? There’s a thin maze type level and it turns out the obstacles are too far back to actually hit the player! You can fly straight through to the landing pad.

Good job! :smiley:

Thanks for the feedback. The pivot point is a bug I suppose, I’ll fix it later.
That level you mentioned is built on purpose, for the sake of easyness, and distraction maybe. Funny, that level I worked on the most, tried to hide the depth with lights. :slightly_smiling_face:

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