Finished my lil' Kung Fu duder...for Reese's Pixel Art course

…and I also learned how to make a gif (finally).

I colored his Dobok orange (my Taekwondo instructor would probably appreciate me not calling it a Gi) to be different from the original game sprites.

Oh, and I figured out how to change the timing of each frame and I slowed everything down from 100ms to 200ms, which I think makes my head hurt less.

Also learned how to resize my finished project using the Sprite → Sprite size menu options.

I started with 48x48, then doubled it to 96x96, then doubled it again to 384x384.




Now I kind of want to give him a white belt and use this as a reference image in Blender to see if I can teach him Chon Ji Hyung! :laughing:


There is so much stuff I already want to learn. Now I need to add pixel art to the list. This is awesome.


I’m really surprised at how easy this program is to get used to. LibreSprite is very intuitive, especially after messing around in Blender and Unity.

What’s really cool is that this was only the second lesson of drawing (not counting hte introduction and set-up lessons).

It’s fun! I recommend it.


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